Breastfeeding Knowledge

  1. 2. There are 3 types of weaning. Mother-led, baby-led, and ______
  2. 3. Nipple _______ are a usually a short-term solution to sore nipples, high palate, prematurity, flat/inverted nipples
  3. 6. ________ are a helpful visual delivery of informative content
  4. 7. While ________ lactation, without forcing baby, offer the breast regularly whilst baby is relaxed, sleepy, or happy
  5. 12. A semi-________ position can help with baby-led attachment
  6. 14. It is possible to induce _______ for an adopted baby
  7. 16. Average over a number of ______ to account for weight gain variables
  8. 18. Breastfeeding, not ______ feeding
  9. 20. _________ to paid work can often impact on breastfeeding duration
  10. 22. At least 5 wet __________ nappies over 24 hours is a healthy output
  11. 23. A ___________ Nursing System enables baby to enhance quantity of milk to drink
  12. 24. World Health Organisation guidelines recommend breastfeeding for up to ___ years, and beyond
  13. 25. Feeding according to need can prevent __________
  14. 26. A mother who has delivered by _________ can lay down to feed comfortably
  15. 29. WHO regard _________ as perfect food for a newborn, initiated within the first hour of birth
  16. 30. The _______ system evaluates existence of a peptide in mother’s glandular tissue to maintain milk production
  17. 32. Medical ___________ in birth may hinder breastfeeding establishment
  18. 35. Members can access 'Live ____' for advice
  19. 37. ______ is a rare, but potentially fatal condition caused by toxins made by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. Introducing honey after 12months is safest
  20. 38. Using a breastmilk _________ can lower a mother’s supply
  21. 40. Regular skin-to-skin _______ helps the breastfeeding team succeed
  22. 41. A mother needs support from friends, family, and the _________
  23. 43. Book 'Breastfeeding…_________' is free when you become a member
  24. 45. ______ = removal of milk
  25. 48. Using an _______ double breast pump is most effective to induce lactation, with prolactin higher than single pumping
  26. 49. Breast _______ may cause damage to breast structure. It’s best to warn surgeon of intent to breastfeed
  27. 50. Baby’s ______ system develops over 9-12 months
  1. 1. Feeding in ______ can be intimidating, even though it is mother and baby’s right
  2. 2. Breast ________ can release blocked ducts
  3. 4. Trying different _________ can help drain all milk ducts
  4. 5. ________ is usually the result of an uncleared blocked duct
  5. 8. ABA’s web article ‘Guide to feeding your baby formula’ gives ________ and dependable links for when breastfeeding doesn’t work out
  6. 9. Skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby helps ________ breastfeeding
  7. 10. National Health and Medical ________ Council recommend exclusive breastfeeding to around 6months
  8. 11. A young, restful baby can be _____ for a feed if sleeping longer than about 4hrs
  9. 13. ________ breastfeeding helps to establish milk supply
  10. 15. __________ impacts on sustaining breastfeeding as baby is not fed on needs basis
  11. 17. Brain ___________ is realised to full potential with breastmilk, via essential fatty acid profile
  12. 19. Hormone _________ from the endocrine system activates Alveoli to begin milk-making process
  13. 21. __________ household chores to friends and family can help you focus on you and baby
  14. 27. Coax an ________ nipple out manually, with a breast pump, or apply something cold
  15. 28. A selection of 23 ________ are available for purchase on the web site
  16. 31. Baby can eat all kinds of ______ foods
  17. 33. NHMRC identify “Maternal and paternal smoking is __________ associated with breastfeeding duration”
  18. 34. Breastmilk contains perfect balance of sugars, salts, fats and _______ for growth
  19. 36. Breastfeeding ________ Courses are great to attend before baby arrives
  20. 37. Nipple confusion may result when using _______ and teats
  21. 39. Breastfeeding delays a mother’s return to ________
  22. 42. _________ introducing solids can avoid engorgement
  23. 44. Hormone ________ causes the breast to push out or ‘let down’ the milk
  24. 46. Becoming familiar with baby’s feeding ____ can help with milk supply and comfort to baby
  25. 47. First 6 months of life, breastfeeding satisfies Thirst & ______