Brendan Fraser Pin-Up Calendar Crossword Puzzler

  1. 3. Gandalf plays a director of 1930s horror movies who wants to hook up with Brendan Fraser
  2. 5. classic pupeteer meets con artist love story when they are brought together by a prophetic dream (I think??)
  3. 7. Brendan Fraser is a secret jew playing football for a prep school of evangelicals
  4. 9. watch out for that tree!
  5. 10. a man raised in a 1950s era bomb shelter emerges into the outside world and dances with Cher from Clueless
  6. 11. the adventures of an enthusiastic, if somewhat dim, Canadian Mountie (mountie? more like mount me AM I RIGHT)
  1. 1. on a quest to find out what happened to his missing brother, a scientist, his nephew and their mountain guide embark on a (scientifically INACCURATE) adventure
  2. 2. high school kids thaw caveman out of ice, hijinks ensue
  3. 4. band bois hold a radio station hostage to get their song on the airwaves (good lord he looks good in this one. Eddie Munsen who??)
  4. 6. Brendan Fraser is a private eye cowboy guy investigating a rich family (maybe the Gettys? like the museum??)
  5. 8. this movie is for the bisexuals
  6. 10. this is actually just a stolen twilight zone episode