Brennan's Crossword

  1. 4. a long high wave caused by a earthquake.
  2. 8. polarity, is caused by exposing your compass with iron
  3. 9. Drift the gradual movement of the continents across the earth's surface through time.
  4. 13. a sudden a violent shaking of the ground.
  5. 14. pull, motion of tectonic plate that can be accounted for by its subduction.
  6. 17. ridge, underwater mountain range created by tectonic plates
  7. 18. What was the name of super continent.
  1. 1. the vertical of atmosphere properties, especially upward.
  2. 2. floor spreading, is a process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges.
  3. 3. plate boundary, the line that exist between the two tectonic plates that are moving away.
  4. 5. the rigid outermost shell of a planet.
  5. 6. polarity, when the magnetic north pole is located at the geographic south pole.
  6. 7. a huge water like tornado.
  7. 8. push, sliding plate force is a proposed mechanism for plate motion in plate tectonics.
  8. 10. boundary, a strike-slip fault that offsets a mid-ocean ridge in opposing directions on either side of the axis.
  9. 11. collision of earth's crustal plates result in one plates being drawn down or overridden by another.
  10. 12. plates , this is what allows the continents to drift over time.
  11. 15. reversal, a change in the earth's magnetic field resulting in the magnetic north being aligned with the geographic south.
  12. 16. a mountain or hill that has a hollow inside where lava/magma shoots out.