brian's winter

  1. 1. Brian made himself a pair of _______________ out of rabbit hide to stay above the freezing snow
  2. 3. Brian got to eat in a _____ that a stranger lead him to to have dinner with his family
  3. 5. Brian goes hunting in the ________ for fool birds
  4. 8. The man had the ________ pull his slay to help brian get to his house
  5. 11. Brian used more rabbit hides to make a _____ for the winter to stay warm
  6. 12. A _______ held Brian at gunpoint for food while it came out of the burrow
  7. 13. Brian learned his lesson to not eat and pick the _____________ in the bush
  8. 15. Brian shot arrows at __________ because of how easy they were to poach
  9. 17. A ________ lead Brian to his hut to eat
  1. 2. Brian marked his terottory so he could stop wolves from invading him
  2. 3. Brian used his _______ to help him survive the wilderness
  3. 4. Brian saw a _______ get hunted down by wolves
  4. 6. Brian made a small and tiny ________ to live in
  5. 7. Brian found out that ______ live in the snow coverd grass to stay warm as the leaves stop the cold snow
  6. 9. Brian hated how the ______ because of how he sunk into it while walking
  7. 10. Brain's home was destroyed by a _______
  8. 13. ______ went back to the wilderness during the winter to find his true self again
  9. 14. Brian hated how his _______ kept on jamming each time he shot it to catch food birds
  10. 16. Brian used his trusty _____ to shoot fool birds
  11. 18. Brain used ________ hides to keep himself warm for the winter but they kept ripping