Brian's Winter

  1. 3. What was one thing Brian made out of the moose hide?
  2. 4. A sleeve for arrows
  3. 7. What literary device is "thrum" an example of?
  4. 9. One of Brian's main food sources in the summer
  5. 11. "But the cow was a treasure house of food" is an example of what literary device?
  6. 12. Main type of tree used for firewood
  7. 13. What holiday did Brian decide to celebrate?
  8. 14. Homemade or makeshift
  1. 1. What weapon saved Brian from the moose?
  2. 2. Brian's pet skunk
  3. 5. The main part of a branch
  4. 6. What does elated mean?
  5. 8. What sign was Brian ignoring for so long?
  6. 9. What broke on Brian's gun?
  7. 10. The rabbits walking on snow made Brian think of these
  8. 13. What was making the "gunshot" sounds?