Brians Winter Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. You gather this to make a fire.
  2. 6. something that lives in the water
  3. 9. The tool that Brian had been using throughout the story.
  4. 11. You have these when you remember something.
  5. 12. It's what Brian had to do to live in the wild.
  6. 13. You do this when you are looking for food in the wild.
  7. 14. Wolves will travel in these.
  8. 15. this is Brians footwear.
  9. 17. A weapon used for hunting.
  10. 18. something Brian had mostly had to hunt and eat.
  1. 1. Brian had these after a fight.
  2. 2. animals had left these in the snow when they walked.
  3. 3. Can be really cold during this season.
  4. 4. Brian had to make this himself when he killed the animals.
  5. 5. An animal that is big and brown and also has claws.
  6. 6. You use this to start a fire.
  7. 7. You do this at night.
  8. 8. You do this when you are planning something.
  9. 10. this is how Brian got his prey.
  10. 16. The tips used for arrows.