Brick Study Phase 1, Bricks 1-3 Review

  1. 4. supernatural events that were witnessed by believers and non-believers
  2. 5. word meaning the prompting or guiding of the Holy Spirit (also meaning God-breathed)
  3. 7. the Bible is similar to this, because it guides us in how to build our lives
  4. 8. Biblical proof referring to the fact that the Bible follows one general theme
  5. 11. something made known by God
  6. 12. an essential belief or a teaching
  7. 14. the final and highest authority on how we should live
  8. 16. according to 2 Peter 1:20-21, prophecy never came about by man's own _______
  9. 17. revelation in which God has revealed his complete plan of salvation to us
  10. 18. all doctrines are built upon the _______ of God's Word
  11. 20. we do not need to look anywhere but the Bible to find ________
  1. 1. all __________ is God-breathed
  2. 2. Biblical proof referring to the fact that the Bible still exists after over 3,000 years
  3. 3. God has chosen to ________ himself to us
  4. 6. the belief that the Bible is an actual message from God is the Doctrine of _________
  5. 9. God can be compared to a(n) ________, because he "drew" the Bible
  6. 10. revelation referring to how God reveals himself to us through nature and history
  7. 13. word meaning free from error
  8. 15. Jesus was heading to this town when He quoted the Old Testament to two men
  9. 19. book of the Bible that records the history of the early church