
  1. 2. They come in different sizes and shapes and are primarily used for parapets to help drain rainwater.
  2. 6. Kandvad seinad in English.
  3. 7. The base on which a structure is built.
  4. 9. pressed from a mould as a continuous strip; this is then cut into individual bricks.
  5. 13. suitable for all conditions.
  6. 14. A tool used for leveling bricks or stones.
  7. 15. Type of mortar used in bricklaying.
  8. 18. Üks tellis korraga in English.
  9. 20. Rahuldust pakkuv in English.
  10. 23. Soodne in English.
  11. 25. Praktiline kogemus in English.
  12. 26. The process of applying a protective coating to masonry surfaces to prevent water damage.
  13. 27. Kogus in English.
  14. 28. Used to form a plinth at the base of a wall. They make a decorative feature and allow the base to be thicker.
  15. 29. Kivimüüritis in English.
  16. 30. Created using basics brick clay.
  1. 1. Mitmelõõriline korsten in English.
  2. 3. Puudus in English.
  3. 4. Asukoht in English.
  4. 5. type of brick or block designed to withstand high temperatures, commonly used in fireplaces or industrial settings.
  5. 8. Õpipoiss in English.
  6. 10. Tunnelivooderdis in English.
  7. 11. The process of laying bricks or stones in a pattern.
  8. 12. Põhjus in English.
  9. 16. These bricks have low water absorption and high compressive strength.
  10. 17. Niiske in English.
  11. 19. Meisel in English.
  12. 21. The process of cutting and shaping bricks or stones to fit a specific design.
  13. 22. A skilled worker who lays bricks to construct walls and buildings-
  14. 24. A tool used for spreading and shaping mortar.