Bride and Groom Trivia

  1. 3. Bride’s favourite sport
  2. 8. Number of siblings between the couple
  3. 9. Brides childhood dream job
  4. 11. What sport did the groom play in high school
  5. 13. Bride’s pets name
  6. 14. How many cars has the groom lost to theft
  7. 16. Bride’s favourite book
  8. 17. "Sacrifice my own _____ for Pakistan"
  9. 18. Groom's birth month
  10. 19. Bride's favourite colour
  11. 20. Groom's eye colour
  12. 21. Stone in in bride’s engagement ring
  13. 22. Bride's favourite flowers
  1. 1. Groom's worst job
  2. 2. Grooms dream vacation
  3. 4. Bride's nickname
  4. 5. Free__________!
  5. 6. Groom's pets name
  6. 7. Brides favourite sports team
  7. 10. Age gap in years between the bride and groom
  8. 12. Groom's favourite childhood game
  9. 13. Famous rappers daughter that shares a birthday with the bride.
  10. 15. Bride's worst job
  11. 22. Number of nieces and nephews between the bride and groom