bright minds

  1. 4. a major cause of psychiatric illness
  2. 5. it's critical on a regular basis to get your hormones tested and optimized.
  3. 8. the time when your brain cleans or washes itself
  4. 10. Abnormal electrical activity in the brain, often in the temporal lobes.
  5. 11. not a death sentence but it should be is a wakeup call to get healthy.
  1. 1. chronic ~ in your body, it's like you have a low level fire destroying all of your organs.
  2. 2. a combination of high blood sugar and, or being overweight.
  3. 3. Alcohol, cocaine, marijuana
  4. 6. with it and aging, when you stop learning, your brain starts dying.
  5. 7. the number one brain imaging predictor of Alzheimer's disease
  6. 9. the best defense against infections