Brittney & Daniel Sittin' in a Tree

  1. 1. Bride upon saying "I do"
  2. 3. On the bride's head
  3. 4. The couple's pet
  4. 11. Party held for the bride in anticipation of her wedding
  5. 12. Month of the wedding
  6. 13. A place the couple is registered
  7. 14. Honeymoon
  8. 15. Number of bridesmaids
  9. 17. Main wedding color
  10. 18. Tying the _____
  1. 2. Small gift given to the guests
  2. 4. Group of flowers tied together
  3. 5. You may now _____ the bride!
  4. 6. Usually white
  5. 7. Going to the chapel ______
  6. 8. Cut of Brittney's ring
  7. 9. Brittney will wear a blue _____
  8. 10. Brittney's new last name
  9. 16. Wedding commitment symbol