brody planets

  1. 3. the only planet with know light
  2. 5. it is a triple star
  3. 7. it is the only thing that prevent me from dunking
  4. 9. newtons first law
  5. 10. the h in h2o
  6. 14. light can travel 300k kilometers in this amount of time
  7. 15. are sun is one of those
  8. 19. it had an amazing battery
  9. 21. star clouds
  10. 22. very cold doughnut shape
  11. 24. all the countries have people they are flying around the world
  12. 26. a telescope that is very famous
  13. 27. it is how far light travels in a year
  14. 28. the earth plays this role in are solar system
  1. 1. it is the biggest planet with a hurrican
  2. 2. a the milky way
  3. 4. what the earth dose around the sun
  4. 6. the north star
  5. 8. a candy bar in space
  6. 11. the size of things
  7. 12. a pretty daughter in the sky
  8. 13. it kick pluto out of being a planet
  9. 16. it is the only planet that is engaged
  10. 17. the big dipper is one
  11. 18. it got kick out of being a planet by Charon
  12. 20. it is something in orbit
  13. 23. sucks in everything
  14. 25. it is a constellation of a hunter