Brooke's Crossword #1

  1. 2. 1 love: ___.
  2. 4. My favorite kind of toy.
  3. 7. June 21.
  4. 8. Grenade fruit.
  5. 11. Sophomore album.
  6. 12. My room.
  7. 16. Celtorian royalty who commands Golems.
  8. 19. Favorite source of Red 40.
  9. 20. Cracking a back.
  10. 21. Boy.
  1. 1. The best cat.
  2. 3. A toxic, addictive Roblox game.
  3. 5. Mi novio.
  4. 6. Broken glass.
  5. 7. Bad switches.
  6. 9. Oil painting that was displayed in the governor's mansion.
  7. 10. Trabajando.
  8. 13. My favorite manager.
  9. 14. Best album.
  10. 15. A large streak.
  11. 17. Temporary husband.
  12. 18. First number of my Roblox username.
  13. 20. My favorite being.