Bruce after 1314

  1. 4. How the 1320 declaration has been described. (pg 83)
  2. 6. This demoralised English earl forced to negotiate truces with Bruce. (pg 80)
  3. 7. Scottish spearmen used to great advantage at Bannockburn. (pg 72)
  4. 10. English forced to camp here after first day of Bannockburn. (pg 72)
  5. 11. Edward II fled here after Bannockburn – but was denied entry. (pg 74)
  6. 14. How the 1328 treaty deal was secured. (pg 84)
  7. 15. To whom the 1320 declaration was addressed. (pg 81)
  8. 16. Captured English earl exchanged for Bruce’s wife. (pg 78)
  9. 21. Constant Scottish raids here wore down English morale. (pg 79)
  10. 23. English knight killed by Bruce with a single strike of an axe. (pg 70)
  11. 25. This 1314 parliament decided that nobles could only have land in Scotland OR England. (pg 77)
  12. 27. English name for the 1328 treaty. (not in book)
  13. 28. Deposed by his wife in 1327. (pg 83)
  14. 29. How the majority of the Scottish army fought. (pg 67)
  1. 1. Scottish commander whose ‘hit and run’ tactics were effective in preventing English invasions, 1317-22. (pg 80 & 81)
  2. 2. Famous declaration of 1320. (pg 81)
  3. 3. New ruler of England in 1327 in place of her son. (pg 83)
  4. 5. Made up the bulk of the English army at Bannockburn. (pg 65)
  5. 8. Arrival of this force at key moment in 1314 panicked the English into retreat. (pg 73)
  6. 9. Strategic island recaptured by the Scots in 1317. (pg 79)
  7. 12. Edward II failed to recapture this strategic town in 1319. (pg 80)
  8. 13. Attached at the bottom of the 1320 declaration. (pg 81)
  9. 14. Low for the English, high for the Scots at Bannockburn. (pg 68)
  10. 17. This talked of alliance scared the English. (pg 79)
  11. 18. Number of letters actually sent in 1320 as the declaration. (pg 81)
  12. 19. Bruce’s brother sent to invade here. (pg 78)
  13. 20. 1328 treaty that concluded the wars. (pg 84)
  14. 22. Dug at Bannockburn to trap the English. (pg 69)
  15. 24. Lands of this family given to Bruce supporters as rewards. (pg 77)
  16. 26. Key Bruce lieutenant at Bannockburn – and after. (pg 68)