Bryce Space crossword

  1. 2. Billions of them
  2. 3. blue super giant star
  3. 5. what makes objects pull together
  4. 6. milky way
  5. 8. contains millions of icy objects
  6. 9. the big dipper
  7. 10. takes pictures in space
  8. 13. red star
  9. 14. the milk way is about 100,000 ______ long
  10. 16. The measure of resistance to change direction
  11. 17. stars are made up of it
  12. 19. big ball of fire
  13. 22. astronauts live in it for a small time
  14. 25. the amount of matter in a object
  15. 26. how long it takes for space staton to go around
  1. 1. nasa
  2. 4. no light goes through
  3. 7. the 3rd brightest star in the night sky
  4. 11. earth
  5. 12. moving 35,000 mph
  6. 15. cloud of gas and dust
  7. 18. we live in it
  8. 20. _____ Nebula
  9. 21. made of iron,nickel, and sulfur
  10. 23. its the north star
  11. 24. smaller planets ______ around bigger planets
  12. 27. we live on it