BTS 2020

  1. 2. What is RM’s real name?
  2. 5. What does BTS mean?
  3. 9. what is there net worth combined?
  4. 10. When did idol get released?
  5. 11. How many members are there?
  6. 12. What country do they come from?
  7. 14. When did BTS come together?
  1. 1. Most popular song?
  2. 2. Most popular member?
  3. 3. Who know the most English?
  4. 4. Who is the richest BTS member?
  5. 6. Newest song?
  6. 7. Who is the youngest member?
  7. 8. When did fly to my room get released?
  8. 13. Who is the oldest BTS member?