  1. 3. Reference includes two or more references.
  2. 5. Brains of the computer (completes calculations).
  3. 8. Converts digital data into analog waves.
  4. 14. Control how objects move onto,off and on your slide.
  5. 16. BIT is short for _______ digit.
  6. 17. Grammatical errors are displayed with a _____ wavy line.
  7. 18. Page is wider than it is long.
  8. 20. Wide area network that connects computers and networks.
  1. 1. Business letters are printed on ________.
  2. 2. Prewritten formulas.
  3. 4. A computer that is popular among scientists.
  4. 6. Protects all electronic components of a computer.
  5. 7. serif Font that does not have a tail on the letters.
  6. 9. The ____ tab displays the text in your presentation.
  7. 10. 4 types of alignments; center, right, left and ____.
  8. 11. White space around the document.
  9. 12. ______ indent is a feature that indents every line except for the first one.
  10. 13. Accepts input,processes data. stores data and creates output.
  11. 15. On top of the subject line in a personal business letter.
  12. 19. Electronic instructions that tell the computer what to do.