
  1. 4. A Zen practice of sewing one’s robe as part of the Buddhist ordination process
  2. 6. A tradition of where many people are involved in
  3. 8. The cessation of suffering and dissatisfaction through the uprooting of greed, hatred, and delusion
  4. 9. to have little or no money or freedom and have to live outside of what you might find comfortable
  5. 11. to not have to worry about most inconveniences and to not worry about your wealth
  6. 12. The path of practice leading to the cessation of suffering and dissatisfaction laid out by the Buddha in the Four Noble Truths, and comprising Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration
  7. 15. The mental quality of non-judgemental attention that can see things directly as they appear in the present moment
  8. 17. A scholar monk from the Thai Forest Tradition Often used to refer to the making of an offering or donation
  9. 19. An Indian spiritual tradition emphasizing Non-duality
  10. 20. equanimity, kindness, compassion, and empathetic joy
  1. 1. The core of the Buddha’s teaching, pointing out the truth of suffering and dissatisfaction; its cause; its cessation and the path thereto
  2. 2. The language in which the teachings of the Buddha were recorded, giving rise to the Pali Texts – the earliest records of the teachings of the Buddha
  3. 3. An influential 20th century forest monk and Dharma teacher from Thailand
  4. 5. they were a person of great power and a mighty spirit amongst humans
  5. 7. to feel like one being and have individuality
  6. 10. A Tibetan Buddhist lineage founded by Tsongkapa in the 14th Century
  7. 13. the eternal and inherent nature of reality, regarded in Hinduism as a cosmic law underlying right behavior and social order
  8. 14. one who explores the meanings of the teachings of the Buddha
  9. 16. See Loving-kindness
  10. 18. the historical figure Siddhartha Gotama, who lived in what is now India, attained Awakening in the 6th century BCE, and whose teachings are followed in the Buddhist traditions