- 5. The religious term for a journey of devotion (for instance to the place of the Buddha's death)
- 6. It is not really possible to have compassion without this other quality
- 9. 'Actions have ...', the principle of kamma
- 11. The name of a Buddhist charity that teaches the value of compassion
- 14. 'May I be happy. May I be well. May I be safe. May I be ...'
- 16. A three-month event observed by monks in the rainy season
- 17. Buddhist term for loving-kindness
- 1. Creatures that benefit from a sky burial
- 2. The best realm to be reborn in if you want to achieve enlightenment
- 3. A festival which remembers three key events in the Buddha's life
- 4. The type of energy that leaves a body at death
- 5. '... Day', a Mahayana festival
- 7. 'The four ... states', which include compassion and loving-kindness
- 8. A period of time away from everyday life to focus on meditation
- 10. Buddhist term for compassion
- 12. The number of steps in loving-kindness meditation
- 13. The type of actions that come from the three poisons
- 15. 'At the hour of death, the king and the beggar are exactly ...'
- 17. There may be a ritual to transfer this at a Theravada funeral