
  1. 2. Soft ticks
  2. 4. "glue-bar"; springtails; chewing mouthparts, no wings; no metamorphosis
  3. 5. latrine flies
  4. 8. made of chitin and protein; middle layer of skin
  5. 9. arthropod borne virus
  6. 10. last body segment
  7. 12. chitin and protein; outer layer of skin; waterproof; below the boundary layer
  8. 14. clover mites; don't tend to both animals; super small, leave a red smear when crushed
  9. 17. the actual shedding of the old exoskeleton
  10. 18. "sheath-wing"; beetles, weevils; chewing mouthparts; complete metamorphosis
  11. 19. cattle fever ticks
  12. 20. A blue or gray color resulting from lack of oxygen in the body.
  13. 21. to escape adverse conditions; just suspend yourself in animation and wait for the conditions to get better
  14. 22. painful, slow-developing ulcers or furuncle- (boil-) like sores that can last for a prolonged period; caused by larvae
  15. 24. relies on antigen-antibody binding
  16. 25. chiggers; larval mites; cue on CO2; liquefy skin and ingest
  17. 28. thread-like antennae; ground beetles, cockroaches
  18. 31. genus containing medium to large ticks that parisitize all terrestrial vertabrates
  19. 34. tropical bont (multicolored) tick; vector of heartwater disease
  20. 35. first part; lined with thick cuticle
  21. 36. "short-lived"; mayflies, shadflies; vestigial mouthparts; adults don't feed; gradual metamorphosis
  22. 37. mosquito that vectors yellow fever
  23. 41. millipede; many body segments, two pairs of legs per segment
  24. 42. two names are used to denote a species of living organism; genus, specific epithet
  25. 43. used to prevent myiasis
  26. 44. all the remaining segments of the antennae
  27. 45. pouch-like with lateral bristle antennae; house flies
  28. 46. clear, water-soluble, bitter in taste; neurotoxic, hemorrhagic, and hemolytic properties
  29. 47. centipedes; many body segments; one pair of legs per segment
  30. 50. causes Lyme disease
  31. 51. study of mites and ticks
  32. 52. house dust mites; feed on organic detritus
  33. 54. an apicomplexan; results in fast and brutal death in 90% of infected cattle
  34. 55. crayfish, lobsters, shrimp; 2 pair of antenae
  35. 56. active at dawn and dusk
  36. 62. lone star tick
  37. 65. diapause or migration
  38. 67. transmitted by mosquitoes
  39. 69. cat fleas; in dogs C. canis
  40. 71. casu marzu; rotten cheese; Italian sheep milk cheese notable for being riddled with live maggots
  41. 72. discovered Chagas disease and kissing bugs
  42. 73. active in the daytime
  43. 74. honey bee
  44. 75. blowflies
  45. 76. "unarmed-tail"; piercing-sucking mouthparts; lice
  1. 1. makes up exoskeleton and endocuticle
  2. 2. no molting; no wings; egg-young-adult
  3. 3. "net-wing"; cockroaches; chewing mouthparts; gradual metamorphosis
  4. 6. condition in which blockage of lymphatic vessels results in enormous enlargement of body parts philareal infection can be on one body part
  5. 7. Black Death, comes from fleas; swelling of the skin
  6. 8. hard, sclerotized front wings that serve as protective covers for membranous hind wings
  7. 11. a steroid hormone that controls molting in insects and other arthropods
  8. 13. bovis, caprae, canis; follicle mites of different animals
  9. 14. with swellings in lymph nodes, especially in the armpit and groin
  10. 15. gulf coast tick
  11. 16. spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions, eight legs, no antennae
  12. 23. bilaterally symmetrical; segmented; chitinous exoskeleton; open circulatory system
  13. 26. Aggressive behavior and development of eggs; JH affects this
  14. 27. german cockroach; urban
  15. 29. Africanized bee
  16. 30. Chagas disease; caused by a protozoan; vectored by kissing bugs
  17. 32. oriental cockroach; black beetle; common in damp basements
  18. 33. common bed bug
  19. 38. used for protection, muscle attachment, retardation of water loss
  20. 39. Occurs when a parasite (mosquito) blocks lymph drainage, causing edema
  21. 40. arthropods, insects, arachnids, crustaceans....
  22. 48. rocky mountain wood tick
  23. 49. chicken mites
  24. 51. mosquito - malaria
  25. 53. living layer; layer of cells just underneath the cuticle
  26. 56. insecticide used on infected cattle to rid them of arthropods
  27. 57. dipping vats used to treat cattle; removes arthropods
  28. 58. biting midges
  29. 59. A species of Plasmodium (i.e., malaria parasite) responsible for the most morbidity and mortality associated with malaria.
  30. 60. raised, primary lesion of Trypanosoma cruzi infection
  31. 61. crawling sensations and buzzing noises; in ears; larvae may get to the brain
  32. 63. Anti-malarial drug, produces highly reactive free radicals which harm the parasite
  33. 64. Genus of mosquito most associated with West Nile Virus
  34. 66. "two-wings"; mosquitoes; flies; halteres; complete metamorphosis
  35. 67. type of leg; adapted for running
  36. 68. deer fly
  37. 70. boundary layer; outermost layer; waterproof