
  1. 1. A small creature with eight legs and two body segments. Spiders spin webs to catch their prey, which usually includes other insects. Some spiders are venomous, but most are harmless.
  2. 5. A delicate structure made by spiders using silk. Spiderwebs are used to catch prey and can be found in corners, trees, or bushes. They are known for their intricate and symmetrical patterns.
  3. 7. A small flying insect known for biting and feeding on blood. Mosquitoes are attracted to humans and animals and can transmit diseases. It's important to protect against mosquito bites.
  4. 11. The larval stage of a butterfly or moth. Caterpillars have long, soft bodies and often crawl on plants. They eat leaves and later undergo metamorphosis to become butterflies.
  5. 14. A type of insect with a hard shell-like covering called an exoskeleton. Beetles come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Some beetles can fly while others crawl on the ground.
  6. 15. A beautiful insect with colorful wings. Butterflies come in various sizes and colors, and they can be found in gardens and fields. They often feed on flower nectar.
  1. 2. Mantis A predatory insect with elongated front legs used for capturing prey. Praying mantises are known for their unique body shape and their ability to remain motionless for long periods.
  2. 3. A flying insect known for its role in pollination. Bees collect nectar and pollen from flowers and play a vital role in helping plants reproduce. They live in hives and work together.
  3. 4. A jumping insect with long hind legs and wings. Grasshoppers are known for their ability to leap high and make chirping sounds by rubbing their legs together.
  4. 6. A small social insect that lives in colonies. Ants are known for their teamwork and for building intricate tunnels or anthills. They gather food and communicate through pheromones.
  5. 8. The home of a colony of bees. Beehives are usually made of wax and consist of hexagonal cells where bees store honey and raise their young. Bees work together to maintain and protect the hive.
  6. 9. A flying insect with a long body and large, transparent wings. Dragonflies are excellent fliers and are known for their ability to hover and catch other flying insects.
  7. 10. A jumping insect known for its chirping sound. Male crickets produce the sound by rubbing their wings together. Crickets are often found in fields or near bushes and grassy areas.
  8. 12. A small, round beetle with bright red or orange wings and black spots. Ladybugs are considered good luck and are helpful in gardens as they eat aphids, a plant-damaging pest.
  9. 13. A nocturnal insect that produces light in its abdomen. Fireflies use their glowing light to attract mates or communicate with other fireflies. They are commonly seen on summer nights.