Building a New Nation

  1. 3. The Native American that helped Lewis and Clark on their journey
  2. 7. He lead Native Americans and U.S. troops during the Creek Wars and later became the seventh president of the United States.
  3. 10. The Shawnee Chief that united different Native American tribes and lead attacks on white settlers. He worked with the British during the War of 1812.
  4. 11. The act that stopped exports to and imports from Europe
  5. 14. The treaty that gave the U.S. Florida, created a border with Spain’s territory, and Spain gave up claims in Oregon Country.
  6. 15. The first canal to connect the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.
  7. 16. The man who wrote the Virginia plan and was the fourth president of the United States
  1. 1. A country in Europe that fought against the U.S. in the Revolutionary War and War of 1812. It was always in war with France
  2. 2. The national anthem of the United States
  3. 4. The person who penned the poem, Defense of Fort McHenry
  4. 5. The United States capital
  5. 6. The wife of James Madison and was the first First Lady, she was beloved by the country.
  6. 8. The that created a border in the west between the United States and Canada
  7. 9. The port city on the mouth of the Mississippi River that was a huge trading center
  8. 10. The third President of the United States and was the president authorized the Louisiana purchase and Corps of Discovery
  9. 12. A country in Europe that owned the Louisiana territory and was always in war with Great Britain.
  10. 13. The action of taking sailors to work on one ship from another