Building Vocabulary

  1. 1. The body of words used in a particular language.
  2. 7. Our spoken language
  3. 8. Book of all words
  4. 10. Words with sound and spelling similarities
  5. 16. The prefix, root, suffix
  6. 18. context clues, analyzing word parts, and checking a dictionary
  7. 19. A root word
  1. 2. Words with opposite meaning
  2. 3. The ending part
  3. 4. Created the pronouns they, them, their
  4. 5. "Two peas in a pod"
  5. 6. Words with same or similar meaning
  6. 9. Words that sound alike but are spelled differently
  7. 11. Words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently
  8. 12. The ability to read and write
  9. 13. What we speak
  10. 14. Holding place for books
  11. 15. be-, for-, -ly, and -hood
  12. 17. The beginning part