- 2. A product a customer chooses is a ________
- 6. A person who buys the good or service is a _____
- 7. An example of ___________ is McDonalds and BTS.
- 8. When a company delivers work to customers it is a ________
- 11. Other companies competing with bigger companies for sales and money is ________
- 12. An example of ______________ is Taco Bell.
- 13. organization An example of _________ is American Red Cross
- 14. When people take certain actions or do certain things to result in them getting money is _____
- 1. An example of ______________ is Ebay.
- 3. An example of _______ is Apple.
- 4. Something a person desires is a ________
- 5. Something a person needs to survive is a ______
- 9. money made from selling a good or service is a ___
- 10. An example of ________ is Walmart.