
  1. 4. High price, high supply, low price, low supply
  2. 5. the people that produce are called _________
  3. 6. Industries that trade with others
  4. 7. Goods that are made to use as tools
  5. 8. I ____ a place to live if I want to survive
  6. 9. A worker is a _____________
  7. 11. To trade off something is to have a ________
  8. 12. Trees, water, air, are all _________
  9. 14. I ____ some good food
  10. 15. How much something costs is called the______
  11. 17. How wanted something is
  12. 21. A business inside a physical building
  13. 22. doing what you believe is right
  14. 23. the assembly line helped raise __________
  15. 24. More than needed supply
  16. 27. Doing your job in society
  17. 28. A business that serves you is also called a _____________
  18. 29. the people that consume are called ________
  19. 32. Demand that can change based on price
  20. 33. the ________ worked hard to build a house
  21. 34. Food, water, and clothing are examples of
  1. 1. Person that produces raw materials
  2. 2. The cost to do something
  3. 3. what's it called when you pass stuff out
  4. 10. Something you want that money can't buy
  5. 13. when your low on a resource
  6. 16. trading something
  7. 18. Doing what's right
  8. 19. People who sell in whole
  9. 20. What is it called when you use something?
  10. 25. I have a big ______ of wood
  11. 26. exchange of money
  12. 30. Online stores are called ________
  13. 31. how trustworthy something is