buletin smp sawo

  1. 1. a feel of losing something
  2. 2. Lina gets the ... rank.
  3. 4. fire
  4. 6. a feel of not wanting to do anything
  5. 7. a place to save money
  6. 10. School starts at ... o'clock.
  7. 11. social media
  8. 12. rainy season
  9. 15. person whose job flying a plane
  10. 16. a thing which is used to wash our hair
  11. 17. antonym of light
  1. 1. apologizing
  2. 3. one of the enemies in Avengers movie
  3. 5. a tool to write
  4. 6. king of jungle
  5. 7. a thing to cover our body when we sleep
  6. 8. one of fruits in "rujak"
  7. 9. one of pets at home
  8. 13. mom
  9. 14. greetings