
  1. 1. _____ are victims (a number then million)
  2. 4. People _____ tall people
  3. 7. Kids are scared to tell (another word for tell)
  4. 8. Bullying leads to
  5. 12. Type of bullying
  6. 14. Bullying is for
  7. 15. Name one thing bullying can take place at
  1. 2. Levels of bullying (serious)
  2. 3. Each day____ different students miss school for fear of being bullied
  3. 5. Bullying occurs when ____ are not around
  4. 6. Every ____ minutes a kid at a elementary school playground is getting bullied
  5. 9. Signs of being bullied or Bullying
  6. 10. Driving from school and back bullying occurs _____ times
  7. 11. People think bullying is
  8. 13. Bullying starts at ______ ages