Buona salute

  1. 2. Detrimental to your well-being
  2. 3. Provide beneficial suggestions
  3. 4. What you eat every day
  4. 5. big servings
  5. 8. Natural foods
  6. 9. not good for you
  7. 12. Apples, bananas, and greens
  8. 13. Poses a danger
  9. 14. Eat
  10. 15. sugars
  11. 17. Lipids
  12. 18. A mix of healthy foods
  13. 21. Foods with lots of salt
  1. 1. Carrying excess weight
  2. 6. Beneficial for your well-being
  3. 7. stay away from
  4. 8. Made up of
  5. 10. manufactured foods
  6. 11. Healthy cuts of protein
  7. 16. Tiny servings
  8. 19. Doesn't pose a danger
  9. 20. Good for you