Burgin Baby Shower

  1. 2. What college did the parents attend together?
  2. 6. What winter sport do the parents to be enjoy together?
  3. 7. What did mom crave the most during pregnancy?
  4. 8. What music festival do mom and dad attend every year for free?
  5. 13. Parents to be Favorite Band 3 of 3
  6. 14. furbro 2
  7. 15. Parents to be Favorite Band 1 of 3
  8. 16. What college sport did the dad to be play?
  1. 1. What do Parents to be call baby currently?
  2. 3. What trail did the parents to be hike 1,720 on together?
  3. 4. Parents to be Favorite Band 2 of 3
  4. 5. furbro 3
  5. 9. How many times have parents to be seen their three favorite bands together combined?
  6. 10. furbro 1
  7. 11. what did dad to be crave most during the pregnancy?
  8. 12. What college sport did the mom to be play?