Bus boycott

  1. 2. What caused the boycotts
  2. 4. The Pistons used to be the Fort ____ Pistons
  3. 6. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  4. 7. Something you use to write
  5. 9. Martin Luther King Jr. was a _____ leader
  6. 10. Major League Baseball
  7. 14. A person who brings a case against another in a court of law
  8. 16. What happened to Rosa Parks when she didn't move to the back
  9. 17. one of 4 seasons, same time as Christmas
  10. 18. Thing filled with words and pages that can inform you
  11. 19. NBA team in Toronto
  12. 20. What you use to click a computer
  13. 22. How much money Rosa Parks had to pay in dollars
  14. 24. Last name of best player on Cleveland Cavaliers
  15. 26. Tom's turtle
  16. 27. Montgomery Improvement Association
  17. 28. National Basketball Association
  1. 1. Bus Boycott Meets With _____
  2. 3. What African Americans dealt with
  3. 5. Where they bus boycott took place
  4. 8. Women’s Political Council
  5. 10. Montgomery’s African Americans ______
  6. 11. Something you drink, it fills pools
  7. 12. National Football League
  8. 13. Where you sit
  9. 14. Team with longest ever losing streak in NBA
  10. 15. Where the Grizzlies used to play
  11. 21. Boycott Puts Martin Luther King, Jr. in ____
  12. 23. Southern Christian Leadership Conference
  13. 25. _____ at last