Bus. Partner B2, p39 Vocabulary Review

  1. 1. 'In the ___' refers to having software or space for storing information on the Internet, rather than on your own computer.
  2. 2. Contacting customers at the wrong time of day can be an i___ which will not result in a sale.
  3. 3. P___ technology analyses past behaviour to predict possible future behaviour.
  4. 5. In computing, a ___ refers to a piece of software designed to do a particular task. It can also be a piece of equipment, or a device, or a skill for doing your job.
  5. 9. Data ___ uses a computer to examine large amounts of data, for example about customers and collect information that is not easily seen.
  6. 10. Even businesses that are seen as market d___ today could be out of date in a short period of time.
  7. 11. a digital ___: someone who is not very good at using digital equipment (computers, mobile phones etc.) because they have only recently started using them
  8. 12. He runs a business that specialises in the a___ of consumer data.
  9. 13. a digital ___: someone who uses digital technology to perform their work duties from different places
  10. 14. The data collected through your smartphone regarding your everyday movements, gives a better v___ of who you are as a person.
  1. 1. If your advertisements target the right kind of people for your product, you will get a much higher c___ rate.
  2. 4. In marketing, DMP stands for Digital Marketing ___.
  3. 6. A data ___ is the act of copying information from one computer to another.
  4. 7. ___ in digital marketing is the number of sales generated in relation to the number of visits to a website.
  5. 8. We will create a program that is p___ for your company's needs.
  6. 11. It's a start-up with many i___ products.
  7. 15. a digital ___: someone who is very good at using digital equipment (computers, mobile phones etc.) because they have used them since they were young