Bushfires by Minali Ariyarathne

  1. 3. - to catch on fire; start burning.
  2. 4. - an outbreak of violent, raging behaviour.
  3. 6. - a strip of land that has been cleared, plowed, or planted fire-resistant vegetation to prevent a fire from spreading.
  4. 9. - the definition of combustion means burning, or a chemical change that produces light and heat.
  1. 1. - a firefighter who parachutes into a remote area to combat wildfires.
  2. 2. - intentionally, or after deliberation;not accidentally.
  3. 5. - to break up and scatter in all directions; spread about; distribute widely.
  4. 7. - the crime of intentionally and illegally setting fire to a building or other structure.
  5. 8. - the smouldering or glowing remains of a fire.