
  1. 1. The amount that an item costs
  2. 4. It is a need or a want
  3. 7. One of the things that make up the market
  4. 9. Human effort used to produce goods and services
  5. 11. The producers of the iPhone
  6. 12. When there is not enough of an item to go around
  7. 14. You can buy goods here
  8. 15. Something that is essential for survival
  9. 16. Market something
  10. 17. Something that is not essential for survival
  11. 18. Activity that generates a good or service
  12. 19. A natural resource
  1. 2. The consuming or using up of items produced
  2. 3. The process of who gets what
  3. 5. Going to the doctor
  4. 6. A dough base with toppings
  5. 7. Man made resource
  6. 8. This is a need
  7. 10. This is a need
  8. 13. The name of this puzzle