
  1. 1. 49Oldstreet, New York
  2. 5. another person in company
  3. 9. when we want to promote our product we do
  4. 10. your superior
  5. 11. things you sell
  6. 14. the money you get for the work you do
  1. 2. when you are looking for some goods write
  2. 3. 17th December 2020
  3. 4. when you lend money from bank
  4. 6. attachment in which we see the products
  5. 7. the person who buys out goods
  6. 8. you buy something and you get
  7. 9. when we have money in the bank we have it in the
  8. 12. part of salary which goes to state
  9. 13. good company reviews