
  1. 2. value of goods or services
  2. 5. social and health...
  3. 7. a person who orders or buys something
  4. 10. a letter in which I request an exchange or new delivery
  5. 13. the way the goods reach you
  6. 14. subordinate to the employer
  7. 15. a letter in which the customer is looking for certain goods or services
  1. 1. a meeting during which you try to get a job
  2. 3. every company has good or bad ...
  3. 4. the company provides goods or ...
  4. 6. the employer publishes goods or services under the name of his ...
  5. 8. described paper given in an envelope with a stamp in the corner
  6. 9. a letter in which the company volunteer goods or services
  7. 11. a letter in which the customer wants to buy services or goods
  8. 12. unpaid bill for the performed service or delivered goods