- 2. An agreement which you pay a company to protect your life/ assets, they will help you financially.
- 3. Going below zero in your account and borrowing money from the bank.
- 5. Money taken out of your account by the bank or a company.
- 8. To take money out of your account.
- 10. Where your money is stored.
- 11. The person who money is paid to.
- 13. When you spend or use money.
- 15. Money put into your account by the bank or a company.
- 1. Money charged for borrowing from the bank or company. Can be money you earn from the bank by having money in your account.
- 4. To put money into your account.
- 6. A record of the money going in and out of your account.
- 7. Total sum of money in your account.
- 9. Money borrowed which will be paid back with interest.
- 12. Machine usually in a wall you can use your bank card in to access your account.
- 14. Money which is owed.