
  1. 2. business formed by two pople or more who are wiling to take and share responsibility for day-to-day runing of the business.
  2. 5. the owners of a limited company
  3. 9. the owner(s) of a business are entirely responsible for its debts.In contrast with limited liability, unlimited liability refers to business owners who are legally liable for any debt their business might accrue.
  4. 14. the amount a business earns from the sale of its products
  5. 15. an improvement or addition to something that makes it worth more
  6. 18. ROCE(%)=operating profit/capital employed x 100
  7. 19. a formal written document containing goals of a business & methods for attaining those goals
  8. 21. the things you must have for living/cant live without
  9. 22. a business owned and controled by just one person which takes all the risks and also profits
  10. 26. an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do
  11. 27. A shareholder of a corporation is an individual or legal entity that is registered by the corporation as the legal owner of shares of the share capital of a public or private corporation.
  12. 28. a business organisation that is owned and controlled by the state
  13. 29. a situation in which something is not easy to find or get
  14. 30. the formulation, deformulation, technical consulting and testing of most consumer products, such as food, herbs, beverages, vitamins, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics
  15. 31. a newly formed business.Starts small but might oneday become much bigger
  1. 1. a particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needsphysical skills or strength
  2. 3. a business that is managed by directors and owned by shareholders. ....can offer shares to the public.A .... is also listed on the stock market and essentially needs to be more open and public about its details than a private company.
  3. 4. a person's desire to use all their abilities to achieve and be everything that they possibly can.
  4. 6. a type of organisation you can set up to run your business. Company ownership is split into shares owned by shareholders. A company must pay corporation tax out of any profits and can then distribute the remaining profits among shareholders.
  5. 7. the things you must have for a satisfactory-life
  6. 8. a business system where enterpreneurs buy the right to use the name,logo & product of an existing business
  7. 10. the buildings, machines, and equipment that are used to produce products or provide services
  8. 11. the shareholders in a limited liaility company which fails only risk losing the amount they have invested in the cmpany and not any of their personal wealth
  9. 12. finance needed when first setting up a business
  10. 13. a payment,out of profits,to shareholders as a reward for threir investment
  11. 16. two or moe businesses agree to work together on a project and set up a separete business for this purpose
  12. 17. A business that does not possess a separate legal identity from its owner(s). The owner(s) bear full liability for any action or inaction of the business
  13. 20. non-current assets offered as security against borrowing
  14. 23. a particular area of knowledge or the process of becoming an expert in a particular area
  15. 24. a business, or a difficult and important plan, especially one that will earn money
  16. 25. products that people buy for their own use