
  1. 3. list of employes and how much they make
  2. 4. statement: Reports the revenue,expences, and net income or loss of a business for a specific period of time
  3. 5. Someone who takes a risk in starting a business to earn a profit
  4. 7. tools,equipment, and buildings used in producing goods and services.
  5. 9. Revenue: Income made from interest on savings or not directly related to the sales of the business
  6. 11. income:the amount received after taxes and other deductions have been subtracted from tatal earnings
  7. 12. A person wh0 buys and uses goods or services
  8. 14. Cost required for something
  9. 15. flow statement:The financial statement that reports net wages and other income along with spending fora given period of time
  1. 1. Amount owned to others
  2. 2. of Assets: Where your assets come from
  3. 6. Margin: Net income-Expences
  4. 8. Items of value
  5. 10. someone who works for the business
  6. 13. and venders: who you get your products from