
  1. 3. - Non-profit organization.
  2. 4. - Excess revenue or resources.
  3. 6. - Business with partners.
  4. 8. of partnership - Partnership agreement document.
  5. 10. - Company stock owner.
  6. 11. held company - Shares available publicly.
  7. 12. - Stock market debut.
  8. 13. enterprise - Social and financial goals.
  9. 14. - Business organization.
  10. 16. liability - Restricted owner liability.
  11. 17. held company - Not publicly traded.
  12. 18. trader - Single owner business.
  1. 1. exchange - Market for trading shares.
  2. 2. liability - Full owner responsibility.
  3. 5. - Business co-owner.
  4. 6. sector - Business outside government.
  5. 7. - Legal business entity.
  6. 9. sector - Government-operated services.
  7. 15. - Not profit-focused entity.
  8. 16. partnership - Partner liability limited.