
  1. 1. Decision making tool
  2. 4. culture the values and belfies of a company shared by employees
  3. 5. of delegation the passing down of tasks and duty's to subordinates
  4. 6. when the organisation is split into main departments
  5. 8. behaviour looking at how customers react
  6. 10. complete change in attitude of managing employees
  7. 12. translates to do nothing
  8. 13. strict management
  9. 14. an attempt to reduce operating costs
  1. 2. traditional structure with many layers of management
  2. 3. groups persuade a business to be more ethical
  3. 7. day to day decisions
  4. 9. thousand pounds price of a Audi A1
  5. 11. marking comparing what you do to the best organisation