- 3. liability When an individual is only liable for the amount they invested into the business
- 6. An individual or group of individuals interested in the activities of a business
- 7. When the value of one currency increases against another
- 10. sector The extraction of raw materials from the earth's surface
- 11. trader A business owned and run by one person
- 12. Man's best friend
- 14. Where a multinational returns profits from one country to another
- 15. policy A type of policy the government uses to prevent anti-competitive practices
- 16. Flying mammal
- 17. rate The value of one currency against another
- 1. satisficing Making enough profit to satisfy the needs of the business owner(s)
- 2. An individual who buys the rights to trade under a business' name using their name and business model
- 4. Has a trunk
- 5. The growing integration of the world's economies
- 8. tax A tax paid by business' on their profits
- 9. Large marsupial
- 10. corporation A business which is owned and controlled by the government
- 13. bloc A group of countries situated in the same region which join together and enjoy free trade barriers
- 15. Likes to chase mice