Business English

  1. 1. Short versions of words
  2. 4. A subject and a verb of group related words
  3. 8. and adverbs act as
  4. 11. A noun, pronoun, or adjective that renames
  5. 12. All letters other than vowels
  6. 13. Express complete thoughts
  7. 15. Person, place, or thing
  8. 16. Expresses an action
  9. 17. Figures (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
  10. 18. a, e, I, o, and u
  1. 2. Surprise, disbelief, or strong feeling
  2. 3. An assertion and ends with a period
  3. 5. Stronger punctuation than the comma
  4. 6. The letter "I" is always
  5. 7. Describe nouns and pronouns
  6. 9. A pause in the flow of a sentence
  7. 10. Used in place of nouns
  8. 14. Figures (1, 2, 3, etc.)