Business Essentials obj. 2.2

  1. 4. Sets rules and regulations that affect supply
  2. 7. The demand is so great that consumers will buy regardless of price
  3. 9. Supply of a good or service will increase when demand is great, and decrease when demand is low
  4. 10. Amount of money available to spend
  5. 12. The price of the product is low because of large supply
  6. 13. A product that will satisfy a customer's need or want
  1. 1. The quantity of a good or service that customers will buy
  2. 2. Cost of producing a product
  3. 3. Weather and other natural emergencies influence supply
  4. 5. The point at which the quantity supplied is equal to the quantity demanded
  5. 6. Advances tend to lower cost of production and increase supply
  6. 8. Quantity of a good or service that will be offered for sale
  7. 11. Demand changes when price changes
  8. 14. Demand does not change when price changes