Business Ethics

  1. 3. The ongoing integration of political, social, and economic interactions at the transnational level, regardless of physical proximity or distance.
  2. 4. An individual’s adherence to a consistent set of moral principles or values
  3. 5. The degree to which corporate decisions, policies, activities, and impacts are acknowledged and made visible to relevant stakeholders.
  4. 11. The study of business situations, activities, and decision where issues of rights and wrong are addressed
  5. 14. philosophy that casts doubt on generally accepted values, ideals, moral standards, culture
  6. 15. A set of principles and norms of behavior pf people in relation to each other and to society
  7. 16. An attitude that means consumption the center of meaning and identity
  8. 17. A concept that refers to whether a corporation is answerable in some way for the consequences of its actions.
  9. 19. A theory which states that an action is morally right if it results in the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people affected by the action.
  10. 20. The corporate role in governing citizenship rights for individuals.
  1. 1. The long-term maintenance of systems according to environmental, economic, and social considerations.
  2. 2. A hybrid form of organization that pursues a clear social purpose through commercial trade
  3. 6. A theory that suggests that an action is morally right if in a given situation all decision-makers freely decide to pursue either their short-term desires or their long-term interests
  4. 7. The attempt by companies to meet the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic demands of a given society at a particular point in time.
  5. 8. Describes the role of senior managers in setting the ethical tone of the organization and fostering ethical behavior among employees
  6. 9. The simultaneous fair treatment of individuals in a given situation with the result
  7. 10. A point if view that insists on the relative, changeable nature of moral values
  8. 12. everybody gets what they deserve.
  9. 13. Obligations of workers ethical leadership towards their employer, based on individual contracts and wider employment laws
  10. 18. A philosophical and socio-political movement that proclaims the inviolability of human rights and personal freedoms