Business Foundations - Unit 2

  1. 6. the original business entity or person that grants access to their franchise idea
  2. 9. the section of a companies business plans that outlines the 4 P's - product, price, place, and promotion
  3. 10. a business owned and operated by one single person
  4. 13. a type of business that makes products for consumers or other businesses to use
  5. 14. risk protection that exchanges the uncertainty of a possible large financial loss for a certain smaller payment
  6. 16. the section of a business plan that discusses your target market and the specific group of people your products are made for
  7. 17. shareholders are only responsible for their initial investment into a company
  8. 18. a type of producer that grows crops or raises livestock
  9. 21. the section of a companies business plan that shows accounting information, sources of income, sources of income, or anything related to money within the business
  10. 22. the type of risk that can result in persona losses to someone's health and well-being
  11. 23. a hybrid business structure that combines elements of a corporation with elements of a proprietorship
  1. 1. the tax structure seen in corporations where the business and shareholders have to pay taxes on income earned
  2. 2. a business structure that issues shares of stock, operates apart from owners and has limited liability for shareholders
  3. 3. a type of producer that takes natural resources from the earth to use to make a product
  4. 4. the tax structure where the business itself does not pay taxes, instead the individuals pay taxes on income generated; seen in partnerships, proprietorships and LLC's.
  5. 5. a contract or business structure that grants access to an existing businesses brand name and processes that allows you to open separate new locations
  6. 7. the document that shows anything and everything someone like an investor would need to know about your company
  7. 8. a type of producer that takes goods and products made by other producers to make products used by consumers or other businesses
  8. 10. the type of risk that can result in the loss of person or business property line vehicles, buildings, assets, etc.
  9. 11. the type of risk that can result in harm or injury to other people or their property because of your actions
  10. 12. the person or business entity that purchases the rights to a franchise agreement
  11. 15. full responsibility for all business activities including any debts or lawsuits that occur
  12. 19. the type of risk that could result in some sort of financial loss
  13. 20. an unincorporated businesses owned and operated by 2 or more people