Business Intelligence

  1. 2. Visualization of data
  2. 4. Used to make business decision
  3. 7. Meaningful Information
  4. 8. Raw facts
  5. 9. one typical dimensions
  6. 10. Type of Schema
  7. 11. OLAP feature shown concept hierarchy for time
  8. 13. Numeric Measures
  9. 15. Tables contain only key but there is no measures available
  10. 16. select two or more dimension of the given cube
  1. 1. Type of schema
  2. 3. Smartness
  3. 4. Knowledge discovery from hidden patterns
  4. 5. Occupation
  5. 6. Data about data
  6. 11. Data viewed in multiple dimension
  7. 12. Consolidated data
  8. 14. operational data,day to day operation