Business & Labor

  1. 2. a formal document issued by a corporation
  2. 5. In a partnership where more than one person contributes
  3. 9. non-military people who are employed or unemployed
  4. 10. owned by individual stockholders
  5. 12. the legal obligation to pay debts
  6. 13. labor contract negioation to keep workers on the payroll
  7. 14. temporarily allow to live and work in the united states
  8. 15. requires specialized training and education
  9. 17. purpose is to increase wages and better the working better the working conditions
  10. 18. business owned by one person
  11. 19. top ranks of organizations that are dominated by white men
  1. 1. provides service like health or legal
  2. 3. two firms involved in different stages of production
  3. 4. a neutral person meets with each side to find the solution
  4. 6. doesn't disappear with the death or retirement
  5. 7. a neutral third party listening to both sides
  6. 8. Nonprofit organization that promote the interests of particular industries
  7. 9. one person holds the liability
  8. 11. resources of production to another country
  9. 16. a stand employees take to raise their wages