Business Law - Criminal Law

  1. 4. voluntary/involutary killing of another person w/out intending to do so
  2. 5. attempt to commit a battery
  3. 6. the party that accuses a person of a crime
  4. 8. wrongful taking og someon's property/using violence
  5. 10. an offense committed against the public good/society
  6. 11. a major crime
  7. 12. intentional killing og another person
  1. 1. a less-serious crime
  2. 2. a person who is accused of a crime
  3. 3. the unlawful touching of another person
  4. 7. unlawful taking of someone's personal property with the intent t keep the property away from that person
  5. 9. breaking and entering a house/ to commit a felony