Types Of Companies

  1. 5. document confirming organisation has company status
  2. 6. situation that revenues more than match costs with a cushion of profit
  3. 7. situation in which there is no restriction to the amount of debts the owners of the business
  4. 8. business with original idea granting a franchise agreement
  5. 10. a partner who is not involved in the day to day running of the partnership
  6. 11. an individual or group of individuals benefiting from using someones else's trading name an experience legally
  7. 12. public limited company document that enables them to commence trading
  8. 13. law introduced in 1890 stating how partnerships can and should be set up
  9. 14. document setting out internal rules and relatrions of business
  10. 17. finance and materials used to make the product and the business
  11. 18. business that operates in more than one country
  12. 19. a legal agreement between a partnership with formal details
  1. 1. company with shares that can be sold on the stock market
  2. 2. business agreement between an existing successful business and a new business
  3. 3. company whose shares cannot be sold to the stock markets
  4. 4. setting out the external rules and relations of business
  5. 9. type of business with only one owner
  6. 15. owner cannot lose anymore than the investment they have put into the business
  7. 16. return to shareholder of a company
  8. 20. business association with 2-20 owners with shared responsibilities between eachother