Business Terms

  1. 3. The hierarchy of needs by...
  2. 4. Sets of gestures, facial expressions and movements to enhance communication
  3. 6. The name for Centralised authority and leadership style
  4. 7. The tendency for a system to lose control of itself - to disintegrate or fail
  5. 8. The extent to which power and authority are retained at the top level of an organisation
  6. 10. Part of communication theory that includes devising the message to suit the receiver
  7. 13. The line of authority within an organisation is the chain of...
  8. 14. A leader who develops a leader-follower relationship is said to be
  9. 15. The business model that may be used to determine the viability of an idea or problem-solving option
  10. 16. The name of the Dual Factor theory by...
  1. 1. Working without supervision
  2. 2. A leader that avoids power and prefer to leave the decisions to others
  3. 5. The type of non-conflict but strong communication
  4. 8. The style of leadership that tries to find a solution for people to work together
  5. 9. The type of leader who uses their own actions to direct the efforts of others and achieve extraordinary achievements
  6. 11. The type of power that includes threats or punishment
  7. 12. The tendency for groups to agree, based on the seniority of members of a group rather than consensus
  8. 17. The theory by Alderman that shows why people may leave a job